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Even before the last chad was detached in the 2000 Florida election fiasco, discussions began about how to improve the voting systems in the 170,000-odd jurisdictions in the U.S.

Even before babies learn to talk they have a bit of a grasp of math, according to new research concluding that infants may have an abstract sense of numerical concepts. 美国科研人员最新公布的一项研究结果显示,一个人在出生后不久便可能在一定程度上拥有了对于数字概念的抽象感知能力。
Even before formally taking over, the Democrats in charge of spending bills in both the House and Senate have made some sensible decisions. 甚至在正式接管权力以前,在参众两院负责国库支出法案的民主党人就已做出一些明智的决定。
Even before he could finish introducing his name and company, the gruff executive said, Are you a salesperson? 销售代表回答:“是的,可在我们经理看来,我并不是个好的推销员。”
Even before he left office, a majority of Russians, from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka, despised him, partly on account of the raging inflation, unpaid salaries and oligarchic larceny of his rule, but even more for the shame many thought he brought on Russia t 即便在他尚未离任的时候,从加里宁格勒到堪察加,大部分俄罗斯人都瞧不起他,这在一定程度上是因为他治下的俄罗斯通货膨胀不断加重,发不出工资,寡头贪污成风,但更主要还是因为,许多俄罗斯人认为他那“可笑的醉态”给俄罗斯丢了脸。
Even before the emergence of a nuclear threat, South Korea still faced a 1.1m-strong North Korean army, most of which is deployed close to the south and which, with artillery shells and conventional missiles, could quickly devastate Seoul, the capital. 在核威胁出现之前,韩国也要面对多于一百一十万的朝鲜军队,朝鲜军队的大部分部署在离韩国很近的地方,并有装备有火炮与传统导弹,可以将韩国的首都首尔迅速毁灭。
Even before the last chad was detached in the 2000 Florida election fiasco, discussions began about how to improve the voting systems in the 170,000-odd jurisdictions in the U.S. 早在2000年,最后一片票孔屑脱离美国弗罗里达州的选举灾难前,人们就已经开始讨论要如何改进全美超过17万个选区的投票方式。
Even before the markets' recent upset, caused largely by inflation worries (see article), there was reason to believe that the dollar was on the prolonged slide that economic logic suggests is overdue. 在近期市场混乱之前,主要出于对通货膨胀的担心,人们就已经觉得经济学逻辑所预示的美元贬值来迟了。
Even before the proliferation crisis, the International Crisis Group, a think-tank, concluded from research in China that its food aid was minuscule. 即使在此次核扩散危机之前,智库“国际危机组织”通过在中国开展研究后认为,中国所提供的粮食援助极少。
Even before they begin to speak themselves, a young baby can tell when you're speaking a different language just by looking at your face. 即使在他们自己开口说话之前,当你在说一种不同的语言时,小宝宝只需看你的脸就能分辨出来。
Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborn in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday. 他没有认识奥斯本之前,已经暗暗佩服他。如今便成了他的听差,他的狗,他的忠仆星期五*。
Even being tough on new chief executives is not proving easy, however. 然而,即便是严苛对待新任主管也并不容易。

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