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Darrius Sayle: Press the button.

Darren:Do you want ballpoint or felt-tip pens? 你要原子笔还是签字笔?
Darren:I am, but I've got a three-ring binder that I can use for notes, too. 我是呀,可是我已经有一个三孔活页夹,也可以用来记笔记。
Darren:I tried to buy some folders for you, but they're out of stock. 我想买档案夹给你,可是他们卖完了。
Darren:Oh, I need graph paper for my economics class. 喔,我需要图表纸,上经济学课的时候用。
Darren:The economics textbooks are all sold out. What am I going to do? 经济学课本全都卖完了。我该怎麽办?
Darrius Sayle: Press the button. 塞尔:快按按钮!
Darron Gibson , meanwhile, is still to make his Antwerp debut because of injury. 同时,D吉布森因为受伤仍未能在安特卫普上演处子秀。
Darron Gibson's recuperation from a knee injury is ongoing. 达伦-吉布森从膝盖伤势中恢复的进程也在继续。
Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder. 达罗搂着我的肩膀,在我耳旁嘀咕几句,叫我放心。
Darryl Sullivan strings up Christmas lights on the roof of his business in Las Cruces, New Mexico. 新墨西哥州拉斯库司的苏利文把圣诞灯饰挂在店的屋顶上。
Darth Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father. 达斯·维达:欧比旺永远不会告诉你你父亲发生了什么。

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