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Although electronic-computer have a good many advantages,but it can not supersede human.

Although drafts are drawn at 90 days sight, they will receive payment at sight upon presentation of documents in full compliance with L/C terms. 尽管这些汇票是90天期远期汇票,但在提交单据时若与信用证条款相符,则以即期付款。
Although each cartridge may be aware of the existence of any of the other cartridges, each is a self-contained unit and not reliant on any external logic to decide whether or not it should allow itself to be swapped for an alternative. 尽管每一个可插入模组需要知道其它模组的存在,但它们都是自包含的,无论是否要其它模组来替换自己,都并不需要任何外部逻辑来帮助决策。
Although each neuron is coated in an insulating sheath, an impulse still creates a weak electric field outside the cell. 尽管每个神经元都包有绝缘鞘,但脉冲仍然在神经细胞外产生微弱的电场。
Although efforts to rein in the money supply resumed in October, investment grow rapidly as local governments, heedless of central efforts to tame the economy, raced to boot local growth rates. 虽然对货币供应量的限制在十月份重新启动,但地方政府不顾中央抑制经济过热的努力,继续争着提高经济增长,使得投资急速增加。
Although electronic computer has lots of advantages,it still cant take place a humanbeing. 虽然电子计算机有很多优势,但它代替不了人.
Although electronic-computer have a good many advantages,but it can not supersede human. 虽然电子计算机有很多优势,但它代替不了人.
Although entering the city, the agricultural laborers have not obtained citizens' trust, so it is very difficult for the agricultural laborers to melt into the city, which has affected the social ordex and the advancement of urbanization. 摘要农民工虽然进城,但是却没有取得城市居民的信任,这就使得农民工很难融入城市,进而影响了社会秩序的稳定和城市化的进程。
Although even Hitler wants to meet her she still does not forget Robert and helps to smuggle photos of concentration camps to the free Switzerland. 在一次行动中,罗伯特被捕了,维莉想方设法救出了他,不过她自己却受到了纳粹的注意被投入了监狱。
Although everything in the GF text clearly points to Lily coming out last, the passage was rather clumsily changed in later editions to have Lily come out first. 尽管火焰杯的原文中明确指出莉莉最后出现,它还是在再版中很笨拙地更改以使莉莉能先出现。
Although exact numbers are hard to come by, the International Labor Organization estimates that on-the-job fatalities in China are five times more common than in the U.S. and that injury rates are considerably higher. 虽然实际数字难以取得,但根据国际劳工组织估计,中国工人在工作时的死亡率是美国的五倍,至于受伤率则还要高得多。
Although excluding illegal evidence may lose the objective truthfulness, it can provide a kind of guarantee for the idea of setting rights guarantee and the just procedure idea. 排除非法证据虽然可能造成客观真实的失落,但却为树立权利保障观念、正当程序观念提供了一种保障。

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