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But far more important than the immediate side effects of these freewheeling injections is the risk of acquiring devastating disease, because, as in much of the developing world, rural Chinese doctors try to cut costs by reusing potentially contaminated e

But facing this new singer, she really enlightened me. 但当前这位新人,实在令人眼前一亮。
But factory owners and experts who monitor the nation's labor market say that businesses are having a hard time finding able-bodied workers and are having to pay the workers they can find more money. 但工厂老板和监看大陆劳力市场的专家说,产业界现在很难找到技术熟练的工人,必须付更多钱给他们能找到的工人。
But familiarity with the pricier Italian brands rises as wealth increases, according to the report. 据调查报告显示,越富有的人,对更为昂贵的意大利名牌越熟悉。
But far from meeting human needs, the new estates often proved to be windswept deserts lacking essential social facilities and services. 但是里人类需要还很远,新的房产经常被曝光缺乏基本的群居条件及服务。
But far from meeting human needs,the new estates often proved to be windswept deserts lacking essential social facilities and services. 但远少于人类的需求,这些新的状态通常证明了风化的沙漠缺少社会的设备和服务。
But far more important than the immediate side effects of these freewheeling injections is the risk of acquiring devastating disease, because, as in much of the developing world, rural Chinese doctors try to cut costs by reusing potentially contaminated e 但是比打无用针更可怕的是注射时感染其它疾病,因为许多医生为了省钱再用使用过的针头器械.
But far more sophisticated and complex types of mining are emerging. 但更诡异和复杂的采集工具正在浮出水面。
But farmers welcomed heavy rain for(rainfall) in early July from the Mississippi river delta to the southern planted(Atlantic) costal(coastal) area. 但是农民在七月初还欢迎从密西西比三角洲到南太平洋沿海的大雨。
But favourable external factors played only a minor part in the revival of emerging economies. 但是,有利的外部因素在新兴经济国家的复苏中仅仅扮演了一个很小的角色。
But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance. 不过害怕损失是投保火险的真正原因。
But felling everything in fact and all still so mild with tasteless! 可是感觉一切其实都还是那么的平淡和索味!

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