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Tonight,with words unspoken,you say that I'm the only one.But will my heart be broken when the night meets the morning sun?

Tonight, let's enjoy together the harp solo by the young performer Li Yange: Clear and Bright Upper River Picture. 今晚,让我们一起欣赏青年演奏家李彦歌的箜篌独奏:《清明上河图》。
Tonight, we are now just sitting in an islet with the famous “Lixia Pavilion” just behind us. 今晚,大家就坐在承载“历下亭”的这个小岛上,著名的历下亭就在大家的身后边。
Tonight, we’re gonna paint the town red! 今晚,我们要出去玩个痛快!
Tonight, when I was sitting in the yard enjoying the cool, it occurred to me that the Lotus Pond, which I pass by every day, must assume quite a different look in such moonlit night. 今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。
Tonight, you can watch the women figure skaters pout and preen their way to the medals. 今晚,你们将看到女子花样滑冰选手把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的,去争取金牌。
Tonight,with words unspoken,you say that I'm the only one.But will my heart be broken when the night meets the morning sun? 今晚虽然你没有说半句话,但你的行为已告诉了我我是惟一深受的人。但是我的心会不会因第一天的来临而破碎呢?
Toninght we should dress up because of needing to go a fashion restaurant. 今晚要盛装打扮,我们要去一家很时髦的餐厅。
Tonoplast The membrane that surrounds the large central vacuole of plant cells. 液泡膜:植物细胞中包围中央大液泡的膜。
Tons of toxic fuel have oozed from 20 cracks in the hulls as semisolid black strings, like toothpaste being squeezed from a tube, and have drifted toward the sea surface. 成吨的有毒燃料从船壳上的20条裂缝渗出来,变成半固体状的黑色条状物,好像从管子里挤出来的牙膏一般,向上漂到海面。
Tons of wet earth and big rocks began moving down the sides of the mountain. 成吨成吨的湿土和大岩石开始从山坡两侧滚落下来。
Tony : Yes, it's dead easy. Come round with some photos of your own and I'll show you how to do it. 东尼:可以,而且非常容易。你去拿一些自己的照片,再来找我,我示范给你看。

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