Corporations may be privately or publicly owned.
公司可以是私有制或共有制。 |
Corporations pay income tax and must account for the income tax expense and income tax payable.
公司必须交纳所得税,核算所得税费用和应缴所得税。 |
Corporations, from small businesses to multinationals, rely on the TOEIC test to document progress in English-training programs, to recruit, promote, and hire employees, and to implement a common standard of measurement across multiple corporate sites.
对公司而言,从小公司到跨国企业,依赖TOEIC考试来记录英语训练计画的过程;在多个企业点中,提供招募,升迁,雇用员工的基准. |
Corporations, increasingly frustrated with ineffectual efforts by governments to crack down on piracy, have either turned to private detectives for help or have even built their own antipiracy squads in hopes of stemming the avalanche of bogus merchandise
由于各国政府打击假冒伪劣产品成效不显著,各公司渐感失望之馀,转而求助私家侦探,甚至自己成立反仿冒小组,希望能遏止排山倒海而来的伪造商品。 |
Corporeal/Ethereal Form - Allows the Spirit Walker to morph between corporeal and ethereal form.
肉体/灵魂形态-灵魂行者可以变形为肉体和灵魂形态. |
Corporeum: A class of Transmutations. Control or transformation of the body's physical functions, from the regeneration of wounded flesh to hardening the skin against damage.
躯术:嬗变术的一类。可控制或改变身体的生理功能,如伤势再生、硬化皮肤以减少伤害等。 |
Corporeum: Control or transformation of the body's physical functions, from the regeneration of wounded flesh to hardening the skin against damage.
躯术:控制或转化身体物理机能之法,如伤势再生、硬化皮肤以减少伤害等。 |
Corpus The central region of the meristem below the tunica where cell divisions are in all directions giving both increased width and length to the apex.
原体:位于原套下的分生组织的中央区域,细胞可以进行各个方向的分裂,不断增加体积。 |
Corradimanaged to score a goal and set up another in City's opening friendlyof the summer training period, helping the team beat Doncaster 3-1.
科拉迪在曼城夏季训练的友谊赛中攻入一球并且还有还有一个助攻,帮助球队以3比1击败了唐卡斯特队。 |
Corral and herding site should be designed to be hygienic and anti-epidemic so as to prevent outbreak and spread of disease. In addition, the space must be adequate.
畜禽舍及放牧地应符合防疫卫生条件,以防範疾病之发生及蔓延,并有足够的活动空间。 |
Corral, where Wyatt Earp, his brothers and their friend Doc Holliday had a fatal shootout with a group of cowboys.
当时怀雅特.厄普、他的兄弟以及他们的同党道克.豪乐迪和一伙牛仔之间发生了致命的交火。 |