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We're working toward the end I always planned but a couple of characters I expected to survive have died and one character got a reprieve(8),she said, declining to elaborate.

We're supposed to stay behind the last runner,so take it slowly,I said to the driver,Doug,as we began to creep forward. “我们要跟在最后一名选手的后面,所以你要开得慢一点。”当我们开始缓慢得向前移动的时候,我对司机多哥说。
We're supposed to talk to meat. “我们得和肉交流了。”
We're taking part in this international disaster relief effort, to help build water cellars for children in Gansu. 慈济志工廖静仪表示,我们参与这个国际赈灾活动,来帮助甘肃孩子盖水窖。
We're the pretenders if you like, and we've got to go and do what those top teams have done more than once in the past. “我们是有力的竞争者,现在我们要做哪些强队过去已经不止一次完成的事情了。”
We're very early in the process,Cashman said. Mostly, I've been going through and prioritizing the free-agent market and how we view it. 我们在过程中开始的很早。现金男说:最主要的,我把自由球员市场中需要的优先顺序排好,依照我们的需求。
We're working toward the end I always planned but a couple of characters I expected to survive have died and one character got a reprieve(8),she said, declining to elaborate. “写作正朝着我一直计划的结局发展。但两个我原本想让生还的人物已经死了,还有一个暂且得到保全。”她说。但她拒绝透露细节。
We're worried that these endangered animals won't breed any more, which would hamper animal protection programmes,Berlin's animal rights association said in a statement. 柏林动物权利保护协会在一份声明中说:“真正让我们担心的是,那些濒临险境的动物将会无法繁育后代,而这也会在很大程度上妨碍相关动物保护计划的实行。”
We've all heard and read what people have been saying about our chances and it just makes us more determined to prove everyone wrong,commented a defiant Warnock. “我们都听到和看到人们在讨论关于我们的机会,这只会让我们更加确定去证明给每个人看那些评论是可笑的。”沃尔诺克自信的说。
We've already got one trophy in the Carling Cup and are on course for the other three,Mikel told The Sun. “我们已经在联赛杯中夺取了一个冠军,而且还在竞争另外三个”米克尔对太阳报说。
We've already had dozens of calls from interested people,said Susannah Galsworthy, a spokeswoman for the restaurant, which will be given over to the cheery couple. 酒店的女发言人苏珊娜·高尔斯沃西说:我们已接到几十个问询电话。同时,这家酒店已做好准备,届时为情侣们提供各种快乐服务。
We've an agreement,the 33-year-old Hedman told Swedish television channel TV4's website. “我们达成了协议,“33岁的海德曼告诉瑞典电视台TV4的网站。

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