Results: Taken the audible release (cracking sound) associated with joint manipulations as a sign of successful manipulation, the average force of largest pressures was . ±. kg and .±. kg respectively in left and right thumbs. |
中文意思: 果:以出现咔哒声响作为腰椎旋转手法成功的标志,此刻术者左右手拇指的最大平均推扳力分别为.±. kg和.±.kg。 |
Results: Of 87 cases, 70 cases were crushed successfully. Success rate is 9.%, Remaining rate .%.
果 87例中,碎石成功 70 例,成功率9.%,残石率 .%,无效7 例。 |
Results: Of the 7 cases, 8 (7 .%) suffered intellectual impairment, 9(.%) suffered psychotic symptoms, (. %)suffered personality change, (9.0%) suffered epileptic attack and (. %) suffered amnesic syndrome after contusion and laceration of brain.
果 7例中 ,脑挫裂伤后智能损害 8例 (7 . % ) ,脑挫裂伤后精神病性症状 9例 ( . % ) ,脑挫裂伤后人格改变 例 ( . 7% ) ,脑挫裂伤后癫痫发作 例 (9. 0 % ) ,脑挫裂伤后遗忘综合征 例 ( . % )。 |
Results: Of the low dose group and high dose group, at 0 min, 0 min, 90 min and 0 min after treatment the cilium moving speed increased, at 0 min the moving speed decreased.
果 :抗痨颗粒剂低剂量组和高剂量组在给药后 0min、 0min、90min、 0min时增快 , 0min时减慢 ; |
Results: Opiates were the main problem drug in China, of which the rates of heroin abuse were .8%, 8 .% and 9.9% in 99 , 99 and 000 survey, respectively, and those of opiate abuse were .%, .% and .0%.
果 :阿片类是我国物质滥用者使用最多的成瘾物质 ,以海洛因和阿片为著 , 次调查海洛因使用率分别是 8%、8 %和 9 9% ,阿片分别是 % , %和 0 %。 |
Results: RBa-I can antagonize the urging withdrawa syndrome in morphine-dependent rats (oraly, mg·kg - ), and the effect was inferior to chlonidine (oraly, 0. mg·kg - ).
果硕苞蔷薇提取物RBa-I (mg·kg- ,ig)能对抗Mor依赖大鼠催促戒断症状 ,使总积分显著减少 ,但作用比可乐定弱 ; |
Results: Taken the audible release (cracking sound) associated with joint manipulations as a sign of successful manipulation, the average force of largest pressures was . ±. kg and .±. kg respectively in left and right thumbs.
果:以出现咔哒声响作为腰椎旋转手法成功的标志,此刻术者左右手拇指的最大平均推扳力分别为.±. kg和.±.kg。 |
Results: The OMC's variation rate of the pathological group was higher than that of the normal group, the rate of Concha bullosa was the highest ( 9.%), and uncinate gasification was the lowest (0.8%).
果 病变组OMC区解剖变异的发生率高于正常组 ,以中鼻甲气化的发生率最高 ( 9 %) ,钩突气化的发生率最低 (0 8%)。 |
Results: The abnormal findings included ghost 0.9%, dazzle 7.%, corneal epithelial desquamating 7.9% and KP 0.%.
果 :本组病例在治疗过程中出现叠影 0 .9%、眩光 7.%、角膜上皮脱落 7.9%、角膜内皮羊脂状 KP0 . %等异常现象。 |
Results: The amount of diosgenin is .7 % for Costus speciosus; 0. 8% for C. lacerus;
果 :闭鞘姜、莴笋花、光叶闭鞘姜含薯蓣皂苷元分别为 .7 %、0 . 8%、0 .9%。 |
Results: The antigen CA X was a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 70 000 to 00 000 . Human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines regain expression of antigen CA X when xenografted into athymia mice.
果:CA-X为高分子量糖蛋白,体外培养的SpcA细胞株不表达CA-X,而一旦移植入裸鼠后,肿瘤重又表达该抗原。 |
Results: The areolar diameter was ( . ±0.9)cm.
果:乳晕直径均值和标准差为( . ±0.9)cm; |