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Commentaries to the draft law shall also explain the necessity for its enactment and its main content.

Comment: A graph is called BIPARTITE if its vertex can be parted into two parts such that every edge connects one vertex in one part and another vertex in another part. 说明:如果能够把一个图的顶点分成两部分,使得每个边连接的两个点,都必然分别在两个部分中,那么称这个图为“二部图”。
Comment: Blount's torrid shooting and improved rebounding were key reasons why the Wolves won 10 of 13 games during their hot streak this month, and he has reduced his turnovers this season. 射手布持续火热的手感和篮板球的提高是灰狼队在这月13场比赛胜出10场的关键因素,在这个赛季射手布的失误也减少了。
Comment: Ealuating menopausal status with tests such as estradiol or FSH assessment is generally not helpful (Journal Watch Women's Health Jun 20 2006); furthermore, such testing may not be coered by insurance. 意见:一般来说,经雌二醇或FSH检测来评价绝经情况并没有什么帮助(2006.6.20《妇女健康杂志》);而且,这些检测并没有列入保险之列。
Comment: Evaluating menopausal status with tests such as estradiol or FSH assessment is generally not helpful (Journal Watch Women's Health Jun 20 2006); furthermore, such testing may not be covered by insurance. 意见:一般来说,经雌二醇或FSH检测来评价绝经情况并没有什么帮助(2006.6.20《妇女健康杂志》);而且,这些检测并没有列入保险之列。
Comment: Tuberculosis is transmitted most efficiently by an infected indiidual with a pulmonary caity and a cough. 评论:结核病通过患肺空洞型结核的感染患者及咳嗽进行传播的效率最高。
Commentaries to the draft law shall also explain the necessity for its enactment and its main content. 法律草案的说明应当包括制定该法律的必要性和主要内容。
Commentary) Zhang Haidi and her husband do not have any child. 解说)张海迪夫妇没有孩子。
Commentary) Zhang Haidi's husband is Wang Zuoliang, who teaches foreign language at the Shandong Teachers' College. 解说)张海迪的丈夫是王佐良,在山东师范大学教外语。
Commentary: Can risk score models help in reducing serious outcome events in patients with stable angina? 评论:危险评分模型是否有助于减少稳定性心绞痛患者的严重事件?
Commentary: can we avoid bias? 评论:我们能避免偏倚吗?
Commentators are still dissecting the election results. 评论家仍然在剖析此次选举的结果。

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