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In 1943, Allied forces captured Naples during World War Two.

In 1942, President Roosevelt created the Office of War Information, and appointed radio news commentator Elmer Davis to be its head. 1942年,罗斯福总统成立了作战新闻处,任命广播新闻评论家艾莫尔·戴维斯作为负责人。
In 1942, US bombers struck the Italian mainland for the first time in World War Two. 1942年,二战期间美国轰炸机第一次袭击意大利大陆。
In 1942, during World War Two, Britain launched a major offensive against Axis forces at El Alamein in Egypt. 1942年的今天,二战期间英国军队对在埃及的艾尔阿拉曼轴心国军队发动进攻。
In 1942, the Alaska highway across Canada was formally opened. 1942年的今天,横穿加拿大的通往阿拉斯加的高速公路正式通车。
In 1943 Jacques Cousteau and his friend made it possible by inventing the scuba machine. 1943年雅克·库斯托和他的朋友发明了水下呼吸器,才能使这成为可能。
In 1943, Allied forces captured Naples during World War Two. 1943年,在世界大战二期间联军夺取了那不勒斯。
In 1943, Britain and China Jointly set up the Dragon Unitof Force 136 to fight against the Japanese aggressors in Malaya. 1943年,英军与中国政府联合组织一三六部队“龙组”,在马来亚开展抗日活动,其成员大部分为华侨。
In 1943, Chicago Mayor Edward J. Kelly officially opened the city's new subway system during a ceremony at the State and Madison street station. 在1943年,芝加哥市长爱德华J.凯利庆典中宣布正式开放州和麦迪逊街道站间新的城市地铁系统。
In 1943, Mount Kinabalu Anti-Japanese guerillas led by Guo Yinan (Kuok Aik Nam) in British North Borneo seized Jesselton and killed more than 60 Japanese soldiers. 1943年,英属北婆罗洲成立以郭益南为首的“神山游击队”,曾一度攻占亚庇城,歼灭日军60多人。
In 1943, President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin met in Tehran during World War Two. 1943年,二战期间,美国总统罗斯福,英国首相丘吉尔,苏联领导斯大林在德黑兰会面。
In 1943, during World War Two, US forces seized control of Tarawa and Makin atolls from the Japanese. 1943年二战期间,美国武力占领日本所有的塔拉瓦岛和马肯岛。

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