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was defeated by the Argentina Team in the football match.
在足球赛中输给了阿 根廷队.

want to know of really living? 想知道真的活?
warn sb. of / about sth. 提醒某人注意/当心 ……
warn sb. of sth. 告诫 '
was adapted from the novel by Charles Dickens. 是由查尔斯.狄更斯的同 名小说改编而成的.
was awarded the military rank of commodore by President Ronald Reagan. 被里根总统授予海军 准将的军衔.
was defeated by the Argentina Team in the football match. 在足球赛中输给了阿 根廷队.
was divided into two parts: 分为两部分:
was erected in honour of the martyrs who died for our country. 是为纪念为我们祖国而 牺牲的烈士们而建立的.
was marvelous. 真是绝妙.
was sentenced to death and died by lethal injection. 被判死刑,接受毒针注射而死.
was the intense competition between the players. 使他震动的是队员间 激烈的竞争.

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