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4 Some of the orchid hybrids are named after noted personalities.

4 Singapore is at the southern tip of this important waterway. 新加坡是在这条重要水道的南端.
4 Sixes = abundance; 3 Sixes = success; 2 Sixes = irritability. 4张六=充裕;3张六=成功;2张六=易怒。
4 So big is Peng's back; the back is several thousand li in length! 鹏的背好大好大,总共有几千里长吧!
4 So perilous was this one that he was the only security officer. 仅有他一个安全员太危险了。
4 Some items affect the compatibility value between GF and party members. (某些物品可以影响队员与GF之间的相容性。)
4 Some of the orchid hybrids are named after noted personalities. 有一些混种培植出来的兰花是以有名的人士命名的.
4 Sour, sweet, bitter, spiciness and fishiness numb our taste bud so that we can't taste the light sweet. 酸、甜、苦、辣、腥等麻木我们的口味、舌蕾,再也品尝不出清淡的香甜。
4 South Korean delegates and 2 Taleban leaders are involved in the talks, which started Friday evening in a heavily guarded Afghan Red Crescent office. 4名韩国政府代表与2名塔利班领导人于周五晚上进行了会谈,会谈地点为一个被严密防卫的阿富汗红新月办公室。
4 Students: Save morality from childhood, serve the society. 生“从小储蓄文明,长大服务社会”。
4 Sun DN, Yu GL, Liu B, et al. The preparation and application of borax and lithospermi sensitive layer. Zhong Yi Yao Xin Xi. 2002; 19(3): 49. Chinese. 孙东南,于桂兰,刘斌,等。复方硼紫药膜的制备及应用。中医药信息。2002;19(3):49.
4 Sweets Boutique reserve the right to explain and amend the terms of membership. 4甜风集保留解释及修改活动细则的权利。

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