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Two of the sailors deserted the ship.

Two of the most important dimensions of structure are centralization and departmentalization. 在组织结构中最关键的两个维度是集中化和部门化.
Two of the prisoners got away (from their captors). 有两个犯人逃走了.
Two of the prisoners got away. 两名犯人逃掉了。
Two of the prisoners have escaped. 两个囚犯逃跑了。
Two of the runners collapsed in a state of prostration. 有两名赛跑选手因虚脱而倒下了.
Two of the sailors deserted the ship. 两名水手逃弃了那艘船。
Two of the topics have been designated for student presentations. 有两个题目已经指定给学生报告。
Two of the tyres punctured on the stony road. 有两个车胎在碎石路上扎破了.
Two of the victims predicted their own deaths. 两位遇刺罹难者预言了他们自己的死亡。
Two of the world's top managers go head-to-head in Manchester on Tuesday 13 March - and you could be there to see the action. 3月13日周二,你可以亲眼见证,两位世界级名帅将于在曼彻斯特发生碰撞。
Two of them are as alike as being from one mold. 他们俩像是一个模子刻出来的.

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