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His troops come together, And build up their way against me And camp around my tent.

His sons are far from safety, They are even oppressed in the gate, And there is no deliverer. 伯5:4他的儿女、远离稳妥的地步、在城门口被压、并无人搭救。
His sorrow . . . made him look . . . haggard and . . . woebegone(George du Maurier). 他的悲伤...使他看起来...憔悴且...愁眉苦脸(乔治·杜·莫里耶)。
His strength is famished, And calamity is ready at his side. 伯18:12他的力量必因饥饿衰败、祸患要在他旁边等候。
His successor will send out a tax collector to maintain the royal splendor. In a few years, however, he will be destroyed, yet not in anger or in battle. 20那时,必有一人兴起接续他为王,使横征暴敛的人通行国中的荣美地。这王不多日就必灭亡,却不因忿怒,也不因争战。
His team is pretty much run-and-gun. “他的球队更多的是跑轰打法。
His troops come together, And build up their way against me And camp around my tent. 伯19:12他的军旅一齐上来、修筑战路攻击我、在我帐棚的四围安营。
His underparts are like sharp potsherds; He spreads out like a threshing sledge on the mire. 伯41:30他肚腹下如尖瓦片.他如钉耙经过淤泥。
His vigorous stride is shortened, And his own scheme brings him down. 伯18:7他坚强的脚步、必见狭窄、自己的计谋、必将他绊倒。
His wife says he's indisposed, but I know he's drunk. 他妻子说他身体不适,但我知道他是喝醉了。
His young ones also suck up blood; And where the slain are, there is he. 伯39:30他的雏也咂血.被杀的人在那里、他也在那里。
Hisincludes hisand her. 本合约所称「他的」,包括「他的」与「她的」。

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