On 1 April 2000, an English newspaper claimed you could —with Fatsox.
2000年4月1日,一家英国报纸声称只要使用“肥袜子”,你就可以办得到。 |
On 10 January 2007, it was confirmed by Ajax's technical director, Martin Van Geel, that Grygera would be moving to Juventus in a Bosman transfer when his contract with Ajax expires in June 2007.
2007年的一月十日,经阿贾克斯技术指导马丁范加尔确认,格里格拉将会在2007年六月和阿贾克斯合同到期后以博斯曼球员身份加盟尤文图斯。 |
On 10th Apr., 2004 PKU Top 10 Song Match with subject of “My Music, I Decide” was held at the Century Hall.
4月10日,主题为“我的音乐我做主”的2004年北大十佳歌手大赛在百年纪念讲堂隆重举行。 |
On 11 minutes came the game's first save — Drogba on the run firing from a tight angle, Sorensen fisting the ball behind.
第十一分钟出现了本场比赛的第一次扑救——德罗巴小角度射门,所伦森将球击出底线。 |
On 12th Jan, Dean of Field Education, Rev Dr. Tie announced the field work placement of each student.
1月12日下午2时正,公布神学生和短宣生的实习及见习地点。 |
On 13 Oct, The MOC announced its preliminary determination on the imported electrolysis capacitor paper from Japan and cash deposits of the provisional anti-dumping measure were imposed on importers.
10月13日,商务部对原产日本、新加坡、韩国、台湾地区和美国的进口氨纶反倾销调查做出终裁决定,并实施了进口商交纳保证金的临时反倾销措施。 |
On 15 March 2006, at the sixtieth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, the General Assembly adopted a resolution (A/Res/60/251) to establish the Human Rights Council in replacement of the Commission on Human Rights.
摘要2006年3月15日,第60届联合国大会通过决议,设立联合国人权理事会,取代已运行60年的联合国人权委员会。 |
On 15th Jan, in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration, a few church members treated the whole MTS community to a buffet dinner in Kingwood Hotel.
数位爱主的会友趁新春佳节邀请全体讲师、学生及工作人员们到晶木酒店享用丰富晚餐。当晚,各班学生及讲师们呈现精彩节目使年宴增添不少新年的气氛。 |
On 16 Oct, The MOC announced its preliminary determination on the imported electrolysis capacitor paper from Japan.
10月16日,商务部对原产日本的进口电解电容器纸反倾销调查做出初步裁决。 |
On 16 minutes, Mourinho's men looked to have broken through the final line of the Bar?a defence.
比赛进行到16分钟时,主教练穆里尼奥就差点享受到了进球。 |
On 18th April, 2001 the last bi-metal 50 Schilling coin before the Euro was issued by the Austrian Mint in Vienna.
2001年4月18日,欧元启用前的最后一枚双金属50先令硬币在位于维也纳的奥地利造币厂诞生了。 |