Others most emphatically do not.
其他人则大不相同。 |
Others move because of climate changes or poor farming methods which often result in deforestation and flooding.
其他人迁出是由于气候的改变和不良的耕作方式,这通常会导致乱砍森林和洪灾。 |
Others names by which the program was known included Grill Flame, and Center Lane, used during the years the unit was managed by the Army, and Sun Streak and Star Gate after the unit was taken over by Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
这个计划的其他熟悉的名字包括“烤火”,“中线”,这些名字在过去数年使用,由陆军编排管理;“太阳飞跑”和“星际之门”等单位是由美国国防情报局负责管理。 |
Others navigate by the stars.
有些则依靠星星。 |
Others need only a special vibrator to collect sperm; insemination of their partners can be done with a syringe in private, at home.
其他仅需要一种特殊的振动器来收集精子;可以在家里用一个注射器私下使他们的配偶受孕。 |
Others need your help and emotional support.
别人需要你的帮助和情感支持。 |
Others object to the coercionin GPL's insistence that modified versions are also free.
还有人反对GPL坚持修改版必须自由的“强迫性”。 |
Others oppose your efforts so that you have to learn to stand up for yourself.
你的努力得不到他人的认可,因此你必须学会自己站起来。 |
Others pass in silence with their heads down, eyes focused on the ground before them.
其它人都默默地走着,低着头,眼睛注意着前面的路。 |
Others pledged peace, claiming that Gaia had entrusted them with keeping humans from harm.
有些吵着要去教训那些胆敢反抗的村子,让他们知道不服从是要吃苦头的。 |
Others point to an increase in fatal accidents and fires at PDVSA's refineries as proof that its workers are no longer up to snuff.
其他人也指出PDVSA的精炼厂的重大事故和火灾的增加也证明了它的员工不再是符合标准的了。 |