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Most maddening of all is Amanda.

Most localities of its occurrence in Hong Kong are in Country Parks under protection. 本种的生长地点多在郊野公园内而受到保护。
Most login forms use databases or resource files. 很多注册窗体使用数据库或者源文件。
Most lost objects were sponges, but also included were metal clamps and electrodes. 落在病人体内的绝大部分是医用纱布,但也不乏金属钳和电极。
Most low-end manufacturing has migrated to China and Vietnam. 多数下游制造业则已外移到中国大陆和越南。
Most lung cancer begins at this point. 大部分肺癌开始于这一点。
Most maddening of all is Amanda. 最最让人受不了的是阿曼达。
Most major capitals in the west will have at least a few. 在大多数知名的西方首府城市里,至少都会有几家这样的酒馆。
Most major newspapers are owned by a small group of proprietors for whom press mediate interests are only part of larger and diverse business empires. 澳大利亚的主要报纸大多掌握在少数几个企业集团手中,印刷传媒只代表着这些工商业巨头的部分利益。
Most makers soon cast flexible wings aside. 大多数飞机制造商很快就抛弃了翘曲机翼。
Most manufacturers guarantee their products to perform as well or better than new cartridges. 绝大多数再生商保证他们的产品的打印效果和原装的一样,甚至更好。
Most marketers miss out on huge chunks of available profits by not doing enough joint ventures. 大多数行销失去大块的巨额利润可合资做得不够.

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