In dogma, there is right and wrong, black and white, and little in between.
为什么对人类来说日复一日、年复一年地融洽相处是困难的? |
In doing do, Brown inverts the insight that a woman's body is symbolically a container and makes a container symbolically a woman's body.
以这种方式,布朗颠覆了原先的见解:女人的身体是容器的象徵,并且使容器反过来也象徵著女人。 |
In doing so Ireland was required to accept the supremacy of Community law over Irish law in areas of Community competence.
成为欧盟成员国之后,欧盟要求爱尔兰的本国法在共同体权限范围内服从共同体法。 |
In doing so he may either take personal responsibility for all manufacturing stages or take account of the confirmation of assembly by the Q.P.s of the assembly sites.
这种情况允许发生,例如,持有某国的生产许可证,所有的组装厂址都在该成员国内,或者持有欧盟的生产许可证,所有的生产厂址都在欧盟的成员国内。 |
In doing so they transform inactive money capital into active, that is, into capital yielding a profit; they collect all kinds of money revenues and place them at the disposal of the capitalist class.
在此过程中,银行将闲置的钱转化为流通的钱,也就是说,转化为产生利润的资本;它们将各种货币收入集中起来,再投放给资本家,由他们支配。 |
In doing so they were lifting a rock only to drop on their own feet.
他们这样做,只不过是搬起石头砸自己的脚。 |
In doing so, he had undoubtedly learnt something about himself.
在这一过程中,他无疑对自身有了些了解。 |
In doing so, it prevents the smoke cause by fire channels to the lift shaft when any fire breaks out.
这样做,可预防当火灾爆发时因火势引道而造成烟雾进入电梯通风孔。 |
In doing so, it wouldn't be alone.
这样做的绝非只有它一个。 |
In doing so, she unwittingly made legal history, setting in motion a national debate about judicial independence in China's closed political system.
她决没有想到,她的行动在法制史上有着重要的意义,并在政治体制封闭的中国引发了一场有关司法独立的全国性大讨论。 |
In doing so, she unwittingly made legal history, setting in motion a national debate about judicial independence in China's closed political system.
连她自己都没有想到,在封闭的中国的政治体制里,她的作法推动了关于司法独立的辩论,创造了历史。 |