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[url=http://www.hp-lexicon.org/bestiary/merpeople.html]Merfolk[/url] language used above water; Merfolk speak human languages underwater. It sounds like horrible screeching if heard in air.

[table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table][size=4]A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 给你特别的祝福,愿新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。
[the bridegroom lifts the veil and kisses the bride. [新郎此刻揭起新娘的面纱,亲吻新娘。
[the side is white]the police say:although orchids big case multifarious occurrence, how suppress the occurrence of this big case effectively, the f becomes at present a problem of make person's headache. 旁白〕警方说:虽然兰花大案频繁发生,但如何才能有效遏制这类大案的发生,己成为当前令人头痛的问题。
[translation] After this year's 7/1 march, the estimated number of marchers --- from the police estimate of 200,000 to the Civil Human Rights Front's 530,000 --- has been subjected to dispute. 今年「七一游行」至今,有关人数估计,由警方公布的20万到主办者民间人权阵线的53万人不等,一直有争议,近日再有不同说法。
[uid=139623] (1)Just as grateful subjects praised the heavens for any rain that fell, the state-controlled media in China often report on the heroic contributions made by “weather-modification offices” whenever needed rain comes. 正像感激的人因任何一场雨而赞颂上帝,中国的国控媒体经常报道由天气调整办公室在任何需要雨水时所做的巨大贡献。
[url=http://www.hp-lexicon.org/bestiary/merpeople.html]Merfolk[/url] language used above water; Merfolk speak human languages underwater. It sounds like horrible screeching if heard in air. 人鱼的语言用于水上;在水下,人鱼说人类的语言。听起来像弥漫在空气中的恐怖的尖叫声。
[usage ] when making love open the lip nip to the fitting angle put it between the female's big labia and the small one . 夫妻行房时,将唇夹张开至适宜的角度,置于女性大唇与小唇之间。
[usage] Jim racked his brain trying to remember where he left his keys. 吉姆尽力回想他把钥匙放在何处。
[usage] “Can I be a soldier when I grow up, Mother?’ asked Kenny. “妈,当我长大时可否成为一个军人?”肯尼问。
[v] Wolfe, M. (1992). Invisible women in invisible places: Lesbians, lesbian bars, and the social production of people/environment relationships. Architecture and Behaviour, 8(2), 137-157. 吴佳原.(1998).城市荒漠中的绿洲:台北市男同志酒吧经验分析.台北:台湾大学建筑与城乡研究所硕士论文.
[vogue] What are the three most important values in life? 生命中排在最重要、最有价值前三位的是什么?

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