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It was imprudent of you to say so.

It was impossible not to notice that synchro dives are getting more and more complicated with every new season. 我们也不可能不注意到随着每个新赛季的到来,双人跳也演化得越来越复杂了。
It was impossible not to retreat one day's march, and then it was as impossible not to retreat a second and a third day's march, and finally, on the 1st of September, when the army reached Moscow, despite the force of the growing feeling in the troops, th 此时不能不撤退一天的行程,然后又同样不能不后撤另一天,以至第三天的行程,最后,在九月一日,当队伍临近莫斯科时,尽管士兵们情绪高昂到了极点,事物的力量却要求这批部队走向莫斯科以东。
It was impossible to bale it, but he was calmer now and managed to catch them in his tin bucket. 舀土坑里的水是不可能的,他现在头脑比较冷静,设法用铁罐儿把鱼捞了上来。
It was impossible to give battle when information had not yet come in, the wounded had not been removed, the ammunition stores had not been filled up, the slain had not been counted, new officers had not been appointed to replace the dead, and the men had 无·法·在·此·时进行一场战役,因为情报尚未收集起来,伤员没有收容,弹药没有补充,阵亡人数没有统计,接替阵亡者的新的军官没有任命,人员忍饥挨饿,睡眠不足。
It was impracticable to think that we could build the house in one week. 以为我们用一周的时间就能把房子盖好,这种想法是不切实际的。
It was imprudent of you to say so. 你这样说是轻率的。
It was in 1492 that Columbus discovered America. 哥伦布在1492年所发现的是美洲大陆。
It was in 1976 for the third time, Ye Jianying together with central some leader, careful planed and have crushed the Gang of Four anti-Party clique at one blow, which has saved the party, and has saved the mass movement of China. 第三次是在1976年,叶剑英与中央一些领导人一起,周密计划,一举粉碎了“四人帮”反党集团,挽救了党,挽救了中国的民运。
It was in 1998 that I met my wife for the first time. 我是在1998年邂逅我妻子的。
It was in August that I was permitted to work as a volunteer in an activity in Kang Shou home for the Elderly. 我记得8月份是一个义工的旺季,什么活动的预告贴一出都常常会被跟贴塞满。
It was in Falco's class that Cho wrote the two plays, Mr. Brownstoneand Richard McBeef,each full of violence and profane rants that his classmates found disturbing. 赵曾写过两个剧本,里面都充满了暴力和粗话,令他的同学非常震惊。

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