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The alternative to this is an increase in money supply to keep interest rates low and this will lay the basis for increased inflation.

The alternative is to ship the goods direct to be bonded area while the samples are being inspected. 另一种办法是,在样品检验的同时,货物直接装运到保税区。
The alternative magnetic flux leakage testing system based on A3515 Hall clement was introduced, including its composition and operation. 摘要介绍基于A3515霍尔元件的交变漏磁检测系统的设计,包括检测系统的组成和测试方法。
The alternative possibility—that living cells or their precursors arrived from space—strikes many people as science fiction. 还有一种可能性,则令许多人觉得宛如科幻小说情节:活细胞或其前驱物是来自外层空间。
The alternative prospect of two more years as he sees out his contract and becomes eligible for a testimonial is deeply unpalatable. 他还有一种未来的选择就是再续两年合同来证明他是合格的,但那样会令人深感不快。
The alternative theological...in the realm of science. They are in the realm of faith. 另一种对生物起源的神学解释不是基于科学方法,因此不属于科学的领域,而是属于信仰的领域。
The alternative to this is an increase in money supply to keep interest rates low and this will lay the basis for increased inflation. 对付赤字的另一种选择是增加货币供应量以维持低利率,但这样做将为加剧通货膨胀埋下伏笔。
The alternative universe presented by the other society must be meet with the best possible reasons for the superiority of one's won. 一个人的象徵共同体必须尽可能展现自身的卓越,与来自另一个社会的其他共同体相匹敌。
The alternative view is that the happiness data over time contain little or no genuine information. 另一种观点是,长期的幸福感数据包含的真正信息很少,甚至完全没有。
The alternative view, that evolutionary changes tick along gradually, suggests mutations would accumulate incrementally as time goes by, independently of how many new species a lineage spins off. 与此相对应,认为进化上的改变是渐进式的观点认为突变是随着时间的流逝而不断积累的,这一过程同一支世系衍生出新物种的多少无关。
The alternative—pumping up the power—would zap people with rather too much electromagnetic radiation to be entirely safe. 另一种方法是增加电压,不过这种方法并不安全,所产生的电磁场辐射过强,容易伤人。
The alternator changes the engine's mechanical energy into electrical energy and recharges the battery. 交流发电机把发动机的机械能换成电能并给电池再充电。

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