Somebody said he's a vegetarian, but he's no such thing at all!
那个人说他只吃素,其实他根本不是! |
Somebody said: A small viruses、bacteria can make a man falling down.
有人说过:一个小小的病毒、细菌就可以把一个庞大的人击倒。 |
Somebody trip over the cord.
有人被电线绊倒。 |
Somebody wants to see you .sir.
阁下,有人想见你。 |
Somebody was beating at the door.
有人不停地敲门. |
Somebody was calling for help.
有人在大声呼救。 |
Somebody who can keep up with me.
某人谁能够赶上我。 |
Somebody who wants to reduce his “carbon footprint” can bicycle to work, never buy aerosols and turn off his air-conditioner—and still blow away all this virtue on a couple of long flights.
那些想减轻自己“碳印记”的人可能选择骑车上班、不再购买喷雾剂并合上空调的开关,但这些情操经过几次长途的飞机旅行就会被刮得无影无踪。 |
Somebody with supplies'll be there in a pickup.He didn't ask if Ennis had a watch but took a cheap round ticker on a braided cord from a box on a high shelf, wound and set it, tossed it to him as if he weren't worth the reach. TOMORROW MORNIN we'll truck
他没问埃尼斯带表了没,径直从高架上的盒子里取出一只系着辫子绳的廉价圆形怀表,转了转,上好发条,抛给了对方,手臂都懒得伸一伸:“明天早上我们开车送你们走。” |
Somebody would buy a “bento” (a kind of Japanese fast-food box) in the train and wolf it off (for saving time or money).
有些早早在地铁里买个便当草草了事(有的为赶时间,有的是要节省)。 |
Somebody's been using all the hot water, and my bath water ran cold before I'd filled the bath!
有人把热水都用光了,弄得我还没有灌满浴缸洗澡水就变凉了。 |