Reading a parameter value can be marginally expensive (because of type coercion). Therefore, it makes sense to cache the parameter value, at least while the component is actively rendering itself.
读取一个参数值会耗费不少资源(因为类型的强制转换)。因此,缓存参数值是有意义的,至少当组件正在呈现自己时。 |
Reading a scrupulously scholarly work about something as intimate as sex risks being unsatisfying.
在严谨的学术作品中阅及私密如性的话题,总会有让读者意犹未尽之嫌。 |
Reading aloud can encourage a child's self-confidence and expressiveness. Especially in English learning, reading aloud can help his memory and progress in learning.
当父母朗读愈多故事给孩子听,他们就愈能自然而然地达到良好的阅读及写作练习。 |
Reading and Written English required. Conversational English is a bonus.
须具有英语读写能力。口语能力佳者优先。 |
Reading and essay assignments are noted here.
阅读材料和写作作业注意事项如下。 |
Reading and recitation is the door to Stopping and Contemplation meditation.
念诵乃是止观之门,如来曾言,“凡我弟子,非禅即诵。” |
Reading and swimming are his chief delights.
读书及游泳是他的主要乐趣[嗜好]。 |
Reading assignments marked with an asterisk (*), should be completed before each lecture.
带星号(*)的阅读作业应在每堂课之前完成。 |
Reading between the lines of her letter, I learned she had driven him out.
从她那封信的字里行间我得知, 她把他赶了出去。 |
Reading books and cooking are what I like to do most.
读书和作中国菜是我最喜欢的事情。 |
Reading books and magazines will also help us in the process of formulating ideas.
阅读书刊和杂志也同样有助于思维的构建。 |