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It snows here once in a while.

It snapped hundreds of slow moving motorists last month, leaving them in line for a £60 fine and three points on their license. 由于这个原因上个月抓拍了数以百计的开车者,给他们开出60英镑和驾照扣除3分的罚单。
It snowed all day long. 一整天都在下雪。
It snowed heavily last night. The snowfall was about 15 inches. People were enjoying the snowy scene and the children were snowballing. 昨晚下了场大雪,降雪量达十五英寸。人们欣赏看雪景,孩子们在打雪仗。
It snowed throughout the night. 雪整整下了一夜。
It snows all the year round in that distant little village. 在那个遥远的小村落里整年下雪。
It snows here once in a while. 这儿偶尔会下雪。
It so does not! 当然不是!
It so happens that I know the man. 碰巧我认识那个人。
It soars through a smoke-filled sky toward a forest fire too hot and unpredictable for conventional airplanes to fly low and track. 划过烟雾弥漫的天空,飞机冲向温度极高又瞬息万变的森林火场,那是一般飞机无法接近观察的。
It softens my lips and I don't have to reapply too often. 它让我嘴软软的而且我也不用经常涂。
It solves of the problem of common glass wall's critical defect of weak flameproofing. extremely increases safety coefficiency of glass wall. 它的出现解决了普通玻璃外墙防火安全性差这个致命弱点,极大提高了玻璃外墙的安全系数。

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