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Britain has a queen, but it is the prime minister and the cabinet who govern.
英国有女王,但执政的 是首相和内阁.

Britain formally withdrew from Hong Kong on June 30, 1997. 1997年6月30日,英国正式从香港撤出。
Britain had many rivers, which were useful for transport but also for water and steam power. Britain also had useful mineral resources. 英国许多河流不仅用于交通,还提供水力及蒸汽动力。英国还有可用的矿产资源。
Britain had proclaimed neutrality in the Civil War but was sympathetic to the Southern cause and gave tacit aid to the Confederacy in the opening years of the conflict. 英国在美国内战中宣布中立,但是却同情南方,在战争初期暗中援助南方联邦。
Britain had traditional economic ties with the southern part of the United States that provided cotton to British markets. 过去是美国南方为英国市场提供棉花,英国与之有着紧密的传统经济联系。
Britain has 72-hundred soldiers in southern Iraq. 英国目前在伊拉克南部地区部署了7200人。
Britain has a queen, but it is the prime minister and the cabinet who govern. 英国有女王,但执政的 是首相和内阁.
Britain has a temperate climate . 英国气候温和。
Britain has a temperate climate. 英国气候温和。
Britain has allied itself with other western powers for trade and defence. 英国与其他西方强国结成了贸易及防御联盟.
Britain has always had a large navy, called the Royal Navy. 英国一直有一支强大的海军,称为皇家海军。
Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United States has a written constitution. 英国有不成文的宪法, 美国有成文的宪法.

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