The local colleges and universities which are finding a way out in a tough situation should overcome their own disadvantages and correct their misunderstanding of the concept of talents so as to re-examine themselves and establish a scientific concept of
在困境中寻求出路的地方高校应克服自身的劣势和缺点,走出人才观的认识误区,重新审视自我,树立科学的人才发展观。 |
The local colleges are an important force for impelling our higher education popularity.
摘要地方高等院校是推动我国高等教育大众化的一支非常重要的力量。 |
The local computer does not support encryption.
本地计算机不支持加密。 |
The local controller in the airport tower checks the runways and the skies above the runways with binoculars and surface radar (local and ground controllers are the only controllers licensed to use visual information in performing their duties).
在机场地面指挥控制中心中的本地管制人员通过双筒望远镜和地表雷达监视跑道及其上空的情况。 |
The local council are advertising for a Rodent Operator, which in common parlance means a rat catcher.
该地方议政会登广告征聘一个啮齿动物的手术施行者,按一般说法就是要找一个耗子捕捉者。 |
The local council intends to build on this site .
地方议会打算在这块地上盖房子. |
The local council intends to build on this site.
地方议会打算在这块地上盖房子. |
The local council listened to objections by a pressure group who want the new by-pass to be built on the other side of the town, not along the route proposed by the planners.
地方议会接受了压力集团提出的反对意见,他们想把那条新的旁路开在镇的那一头,而不是开在根据规划者提出的那条路线上。 |
The local council voted late on Monday to formally strip theNazidictators name from the roll of honorary citizens even thoughitfelt the honour had lapsed when Hitler, a regular summerguest,killed himself.
据路透社4月3日的报道,尽管在希特勒于1945年自杀身亡后,该市市议会就感觉此称号已经失去了实际意义,但他们还是于4月2日的晚些时候通过投票的方式决定将希特勒的名字从荣誉市民花名册上正式抹去。 |
The local cultural team opens up the program.
当地的文化小组开始了文娱演出。 |
The local culture in Gaochun is the combination and deduction of Southern Anhui and Southern Jiangsu with the development of prosperous water transportation.
街区自1984年便开始有意识地进行保护,保护过程中也存在不少问题。 |