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According to this interpretation, mirror therapy works by replacing noxious memories with innocuous ones.

According to these so-called existentialists - they are all Nietzsche's adherents - existence has no wisdom at all. 根据这些所谓的存在主义者--他们都是尼采的追随者--存在绝对是没有智慧的。
According to these so-called existentialists - they are all Nietzsche's followers - Existence is not wise at all. 根据这些所谓的存在主义者--他们都是尼采的追随者--存在绝对是没有智慧的。
According to thinking relevant to the formulation of the scheme for the project of recovery of waste heat from low-temperature blown gas, the design of a short-type unit with water-cooled walls for co-production of heat and power from subhigh pressure blo 摘要按编制低温吹风气余热回收工程方案的有关思路,介绍了带水冷壁的矮型次高压吹风气热电联产装置的设计情况。
According to this algorithm, by using the engineering information such as the assembly restrictions and disassembly intervention status, the generation and path reasoning of product disassembly sequence planning was implemented, and the disassembly sequen 该算法借助装配约束条件、拆卸干涉状况等工程信息,实施产品拆卸顺序生成和路径推理,直接排除从工程角度不可能的拆卸序列,达到缩减求解空间的目的。
According to this definition, the inferiority is a relative concept, not a basic characteristic of agriculture itself. 认为农业的弱质性是一个相对概念,而不是农业产业本身的特征。
According to this interpretation, mirror therapy works by replacing noxious memories with innocuous ones. 基于这个解释,镜像实验的原理应该是用无害的记忆替换了有害的记忆。
According to this law, the pressure of a given mass of gas at constant temperature is in inverse proportion to the volume occupied by the sea. 根据这个定律,在恒定温度下,某定量气体的压力是和该气体所占的体积成反比的。
According to this method, when the distance between the adjacent peaks is less than the adaptive fuzzy false potential factor, the false potential mergence should be implemented. 由伪势概念确定了伪势合并的判别方法,按照此方法,当相邻的两个峰之间的距离小于所定义的自适应模糊伪势因子时,则应该进行伪势合并。
According to this model this paper carries out a performance evaluation for the item of Mancheng Xintiandi Leisure and Shopping Plaza by using fuzzy integrated overall evaluation. 并以此模型对满城新天地休闲购物广场项目,使用模糊综合评价法,进行了绩效评价。
According to this paper, the historical development of the regionalism in Xinjiang has distinctive characteristics and the establishment of city-regionalism is the result of the social, political and economic progress in Xinjiang. 摘要本文认为,新疆行政区划的历史发展有着自身独特的特点,城市型区划的最终确立,是新疆社会、政治、经济发展推动的结果。
According to this paradigm, the early history of the universe—that is, until about six billion years after the big bang—was an era of cosmic fireworks: galaxies collided and merged, powerful black holes sucked in huge whirlpools of gas, and stars were bor 根据这样的说法,大霹雳后60亿年内的早期宇宙乃是处处充满火花的时代:星系相互碰撞与合并,威力强大的黑洞像漩涡般吸入大量气体,恒星则以惊人的速率大量诞生。

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