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' You are likely to be aware of such a shame to all Hong Kong residents, to the used-to-be-free port, and especially to you and your government.

' They are getting an 4)immense amount of support. ’她们得到大量支持。
' They looked at me, horrified . . . and said, 'It's reflexology! 他们看著我,惊骇的说,『这是反射疗法!』
' This is the third assurance he acquires. 这是祂所得到的第三种自信自证。
' This particular one had been ill for some weeks, and, in consequence, had two hospital nurses attending her. ’那位特别的女士已经病了几个星期了,而且,总是两个护士在陪着她。
' We're Liverpool and we're unique. 我们是利物浦,我们的独一无二的。
' You are likely to be aware of such a shame to all Hong Kong residents, to the used-to-be-free port, and especially to you and your government. 您也许意识到这样做是全体港民的耻辱,是昔日自由港的耻辱,尤其是您本人和特区政府的奇耻大辱。
' You too, Madmen, will be silenced; The sword will follow after you. 玛得缅哪、你也必默默无声.刀剑必追赶你。
' about once in a minute. “砍掉她的头!”
' and in that flame which thou didst behold was God, who under that appearance spake to me, as of old he spake to Moses. ’在那个您看到的火焰中,是上帝他以那种形式向我说话,就像他向摩西说话一样.
' declares the Lord. 'This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word. 但我所看顾的,就是2虚心3痛悔,因我话而4战兢的人(“虚心”原文作“贫穷”)。
' he asks, sounding almost philosophical. 他颇有哲思地问道.

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