Japan, which says whaling is part of its culture, kills more than 1,000 whales a year using a loophole that allows hunting for scientific research.
日本表示,捕鲸已经是他们文化的一部份,该国利用科学研究的漏洞,每年捕杀超过一千只鲸鱼。 |
Japan,Germany and other countries.We also import wholly automatic m _anufacturing line from Italy and Japan. specializing in selling a_ nd manufacturing the products for lab equipments,special complex ma _terial,glass fibre reinforced plastic modeland rel
公司已有15年历史,拥有该行业经验丰富的工程技师和领先的生产工艺及现代生产设备,并已建立起科学的现代企业管理制度。 |
Japan-based wash products (including cosmetics, hazardous chemicals) research and development, production and marketing, daily provisions, cosmetics sales.
新型日化洗涤产品(不含化妆品、化学危险品)的研究开发、生产销售,日用百货、化妆品的销售。 |
Japan.We want to forgive does he fuck what?
日本,我们要原谅他干什么? |
Japan: Free, Fair and Global?
22日本:自由、公平且全球化? |
Japanese Army 6th Division Infantry troops climb up the walls near South Gate.
最先进攻南京的日军第六师团步兵攀上中华门附近城墙。 |
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki said it was inappropriate for the ship not to notify Tokyo of its activities inside Japan's exclusive economic zone.
日本内阁官房长官盐崎宫久说,这艘船在不告知东京的情况下进入日本专属经济区是不适当的举动。 |
Japanese Company is notarized by local court and then appraised by Chinese local consulate.
日本公司由当地法院公证,再由中国驻当地的领事馆鉴定。 |
Japanese Confucianism has the tendency of abandoning filiality and satisfying loyalty, which is the basis of the thought of Japanese bushido.
儒家文化为日本经济发展提供了安定而有秩序的社会环境。 |
Japanese Dragons are Similar to Chinese and Korean dragons, but with three claws instead of four. They are benevolent (with exceptions) and may grant wishes; rare in Japanese mythology.
日本龙与中国龙及韩国龙很相似,但是每足三爪而不是四爪。它们通常是慈善并可以用来许愿的,当然,也有例外;在日本神话中很罕见。 |
Japanese Guandong military police was Japan's tool to invade the northeast peoples, in particular the people in Liaoning and the military suppression to the peoples opposition to Japanese armed forces and execute the Fascist colonial rule in the period fr
摘要日本关东宪兵队是日俄战争至抗日战争期间,日本侵略者对东北人民,尤其是辽宁人民和抗日武装力量施行法西斯殖民统治和血腥镇压的暴力工具。 |