Recently, I have been fortunate enough to do quite a bit of traveling. |
中文意思: 最近,我真是万分幸运,可以尽情出游。 |
Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins how bad they are for us.
卡索医院保健计划的主持人藤本爱德华医生,最近上电视解释此项对健康之危害。他谈到了二恶英,以及其为何对我们有危害。 |
Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at CastleHospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talkedaboutdioxins and how bad they are for us.
卡索医院保健计划的主持人藤本爱德华医生,最近上电视解释此项对健康之危害。他谈到了二恶英,以及其为何对我们有危害。 |
Recently, FN also introduced a civilian version of P90, designated as PS90 carbine.
最近,还推出了民用版新生力量P90,列为ps90驳壳枪. |
Recently, Gongbei Customs successfully tracked down the biggest computer hard disk smuggling via Gongdong-Macau direct land transportation in recent years and retained 420 computer hard disk worth over 200, 000 Yuan RMB.
日前,拱北海关查获近年来最大宗粤澳直通车走私电脑硬盘案,查获电脑硬盘420个,价值20多万元。 |
Recently, I had to design the user interface for an FTP server.
最近,我须为一个FTP服务器设计用户界面。 |
Recently, I have been fortunate enough to do quite a bit of traveling.
最近,我真是万分幸运,可以尽情出游。 |
Recently, I have been listening to Bach's St John Passion. I am deeply moved by the profound Christian spirituality in his music.
最近我在听巴哈的约翰福音基督受难记,深刻地被他的音乐里的基督徒灵性感动。 |
Recently, I needed to present a user interface incorporating a large number of buttons.
最近我需要为用户提供一个具有很多按钮的界面。 |
Recently, I work at lot of OT, so I get home late, but I find Fong is studying and the food is ready. I fall touch by this.
近单位老是加班,回到家都很晚了。每次进家总是方在看书,饭桌上放着做好的饭菜。我的心里有种莫名的感动。 |
Recently, I work at lot of it, so I get home late, but I find Fong is studying and the food is ready. I fall touch by this.
最近单位老是加班,回到家都很晚了。每次进家总是方在看书,饭桌上放着做好的饭菜。我的心里有种莫名的感动。 |
Recently, London England has successfully introduced a policy on cities to reduce automobile exhaust pollution of the atmosphere, some European countries are starting to follow suit too.
最近,在英国伦敦成功实施征收进城费的政策以减少汽车尾气对大气的污染后,欧洲一些国家也纷纷效仿。 |