Such wishful thinking of theirs will never be realized.
他们的这种痴心妄想是永远也不会实现的。 |
Such withdrawals usually result in interest being calculated at the current or at-call deposit rate?
这种提款通常造成利息按活期利息计算。 |
Such words might serve as the building blocks for a neural interface, much as particularly discriminable English words were favored in the early, limited-vocabulary protocols of voice-processing software.
这些字可以做为神经界面的基石,一如发展语音处理程式的早期,用来做为辨识规则的少数几个发音清晰的字。 |
Such work has revealed a long history of wild fluctuations in climate—long deep freezes alternating with brief warm spells.
这类研究道出了一段波动剧烈的气候史:在长期的深冻之间,夹杂著短暂的暖期。 |
Such work should be carried out in stages and in groups.
退休、退职工作要分期分批进行。 |
Such zero-sum thinking, seeing any plus for America as a minus for Russia, hardly engenders the respect Mr Putin craves.
如此零和思维,看似只是增加了美国的影响力,而对提高俄罗斯的影响力却只减无增,几乎没有实现普京所渴望的俄罗斯应得的尊重。 |
Such “bleaching” events can be brought on by extreme warmth, for example.
极度暖化可能导致的这种珊瑚「白化」事件,是环境压力的例子之一。 |
Such “case control” studies can be misleading, however.
然而,这种「病例对照」研究有误导的嫌疑。 |
Such “double-dipping”, as critics call it, causes spasms of outrage.
批评家把上述情况称为“双重支薪”,而这种情况引起了公众阵阵的强烈愤慨。 |
Such “open wetware” is one reason for the emergence of biohacking (see article).
这种“湿件(注)的开放”是涌现生物黑客的原因之一。 |
Such, at least, is the theory.
至少理论上是如此。 |