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The unpalatable truth for critics is that Li's heirs, the present leaders of China, proved they could create more winners than losers from the dam and they could easily suffocate what paltry opposition came from peasants, fishermen and old folk.

The unnamed day on which an operation or offensive is to be launched, especially June 6, 1944, the day on which the Allied forces invaded France during World War II. 进攻发起日:发动军事演习或侵略战争而未指定的日子,尤指1944年6月6日,第二次世界大战中盟军进攻法国的那一天。
The unnecessary surveillance regions in the image can be masked. 多余的监视区在图象可能被掩没。
The unofficial anthem of Austria, The Blue Danube Waltz, still delights millions each year in the Vienna Philharmonic\'s New Year Concert. 奥地利的非官方国歌——“蓝色多瑙河华尔兹”仍然在每年维也纳爱乐乐团的新年音乐会上带给数以百万计的听众以美的享受。
The unofficial death toll is higher ─ close to one life lost per kilometer of road built. 非官方统计的死亡人数更高,几乎是每修筑一公里路,就损失一条人命。
The unpack() function unpacks data from a binary string. 函数的作用是:将数据从二进制形式解压回来。
The unpalatable truth for critics is that Li's heirs, the present leaders of China, proved they could create more winners than losers from the dam and they could easily suffocate what paltry opposition came from peasants, fishermen and old folk. 令批评家们无可奈何的事实是,李鹏的继承人、中国当前的领导人,已经在说,他们可以证明,建水坝利大于弊,同样,他们也可以轻易的扑灭任何来自农民、船民和老人们的反对呼声。
The unpalatable truth remains that Europe's economies need substantial further reform if they are to prosper in an ever more competitive, globalised environment. 还存在另一个不那么让人高兴的事实就是,如果欧洲希望在一个竞争更加激烈,更全球化的环境中繁荣富强,那么他们需要对其经济实质性地进一步改革。
The unparalleled location is a testament to the Zendai Group's visionary insight, which is at the foundation of the Himalayas Center's prospects. 万中选一的地利方位,除展现证大集团的远见与实力,亦为喜玛拉雅中心的未来打稳了商务发展的前景基础。
The unpleasant experience is all over now. 不愉快的经历已经过去了。
The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end to. 必须立即终止这种讨厌的噪音。
The unpleasant ordeal may be easier to deal with if the end result is worth having. 如果结局值得拥有,你将会更容易战胜那些不愉快的考验。

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