The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure.
尿路梗阻最重要的并发症为反压所致的肾实质萎缩。 |
The most important contribution made by this school is its methodology.
这个学派的最重要贡献就是它的方法论。 |
The most important difference between an autocratic institution and a democratic institution is that in the former, an inept government can only be replaced through violence, resulting in destruction of the country, while in the latter, an inept governmen
专制体制与民主体制之间的重要区别在于:在前者中,一个无能的政府只能通过暴力来取代,导致国家的毁灭;而在后者中,一个无能的政府则可以通过选举被和平地取代,而不会导致国家分裂。 |
The most important discovery of my life.
在生命中,我也找到了最重要的人。 |
The most important domestic markets for foreign bond issues are the U.S.(Yankee) bond market and the Yen (Samurai) market.
对外国债券发行而言,最重要的国内市场是美国(又称扬基)债券市场和日元(又称武士)债券市场。 |
The most important effect of the global liquidity boom has been the rising property price/income ratio.
全球流动性增长的一个重要结果是地产的价格/收益比在增长。 |
The most important element of this framework is the notion of opportunity cost.
其中最主要的是机会成本概念。 |
The most important event of this year is that Macao will return to China in December.
今年最重大的事件是十二月份澳门将回归中国。 |
The most important experience is that the planting of groundcover in the woods cannot only rely on the blueprint, and the secondary design or on-site design should be integrated into the original program as a normal design process.
从中得到的体会是:林下地被的种植很难依赖图纸来完成,“二次设计”或“现场设计”应作为一个正常的设计程序,融入最初项目计划或预期筹划之中。 |
The most important experiment is occurring at the upgraded Tevatron collider at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., which began taking data in 2001.
这个实验有可能直接产生那难以捉摸的希格斯玻色子,如此一来,标准模型里的粒子就全都找到了。 |
The most important factors affected crop yield and economics in these experiments were: rape: population density; early rice: interaction of P × K; late rice: rate of nitrogen application; wheat: variety; midrice. interaction of N × K.
这些试验中影响作物产量最重要的因素是:油菜:种植密度;早稻:磷钾交互作用;晚稻:氮肥施用量;小麦:品种;中稻:氮钾交互作用。 |