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I am not fond of solitude.

I am not eating that ! It is covered in ants ! 我才不吃那东西呢!它上面爬满了蚂蚁。
I am not entirely a back number, Taylor. 泰勒,我还不是一个毫无力量的人。
I am not equal to the position. 我不能胜任这个职位。
I am not even going to say it, Kate. Maybe it'll be like i never left. 凯特,我不会说再见的,或许这样会像是我从未离开过.
I am not feeling well now. I feel a little sick. Can you take me to the doctor? 我身体不太舒服,而且感觉有点恶心,你能不能带我去看医生?
I am not fond of solitude. 我不喜欢孤独。
I am not free on Sundays, not to speak of Mondays . 我星期天都没空,更不用说星期一了。
I am not free on Sundays, not to speak of Mondays. 我星期天都没空, 更不用说星期一了。
I am not fully persuaded. 我没有被完全说服。
I am not funded or influenced by any organization or project, and I try to give unbiased, objective reviews of all projects. 我并不受任何组织或者项目的资助,我一直在努力,希望能更加公平客观的评价所有项目。
I am not going to answer the unanswerable question. 我不会回答不能回答的问题。

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