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His flattering remark brought a blush in to her cheeks.

His first year in the playoffs laid no pressure on the boy wonder, streaming to the second round with ease, hitting buzzer beaters and game winners as if he were a solid veteran. 第一次参加季后赛并没有给这个男孩带来任何的压力,轻而易举的把球队带进了第二轮,像一个经验丰富的老手一样欺骗对手,取得胜利。
His fist was his best tool. 他的拳头是最好的工具。
His five-spice squab was outstanding, with flavours bursting through every bite. 他做的五香乳鸽很棒,咬一口,满嘴生香。
His flagship led a fleet of massive warships to Coruscant, where an immense battle raged in the upper atmospheres of the capital world. 他亲驾旗舰率无穷战船组成的舰队前往科洛桑,于是一场狂暴的大战在首都的上空爆发了。
His flamboyant presentations were popular with students but failed to prepare them to pass departmental exams. 他的华丽演讲虽然在学生中很受欢迎,却没能让他们准备好去通过院系考试。
His flattering remark brought a blush in to her cheeks. 他那阿谀奉承的话使她羞得双颊通红。
His flattery carries a sting. 他的奉承话中带刺。
His flattery makes me sick. 他的恭维让我恶心。
His flesh is consumed away, that it cannot be seen; and his bones that were not seen stick out. 21他的肉消瘦,不得再见。先前不见的骨头都凸出来。
His flesh is so consumed that it cannot be seen, And his bones that had not been seen stick out. 21他的肉消瘦,以致看不见,先前不见的骨头,都凸出来。
His flesh wastes away to nothing, and his bones, once hidden, now stick out. 21他的肉消瘦,不得再见。先前不见的骨头都凸出来。

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