The way I see it, naming something “sensitive” and “dangerous” is just a disingenuous way of saying, “This is not open for dialogue and discussion. |
中文意思: 以我的方式来看,以“敏感”和“危险”的字眼来命名一些东西是很不真诚的说法,“这不是拿来公开讨论的。 |
The waxworks are too lifelike for us to recognize whether they are living people or models.
那些蜡像太逼真了,我们无法分清他们是真人还是雕像。 |
The way Americans looked at the outside world would never be the same again.
美国人看待外部世界的方式绝不会再一如既往了。 |
The way Bryant is playing has flat out stunned the league.
“科比式篮球”让全联盟大跌眼镜。 |
The way Chinese naming their children is much more flexible.
中国人的取名方法就灵活多了。 |
The way I see it Peter Hewitt owes me $20 for the movie tickets and 3 hours of my life back (1.5 hr for the movie, 1/2 hr for the drive, and 1 hr for all the time I spent bitching about how awful it really was)!
看这电影,导演浪费了我20块钱买电影票,以及3个小时的生命,1个半小时看电影,半小时开车,剩下的1小时我都在抱怨这电影有多么难看! |
The way I see it, naming something “sensitive” and “dangerous” is just a disingenuous way of saying, “This is not open for dialogue and discussion.
以我的方式来看,以“敏感”和“危险”的字眼来命名一些东西是很不真诚的说法,“这不是拿来公开讨论的。 |
The way I see it, that's what we're getting here. That's what heaven is. You get to make sense of your yesterday.
在我看来,我们还到此地,为的就是这件事。这就是天堂。天堂,让你有机会理解你的昨日。 |
The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending.
关于教程,有没有指明用的是什么出版社与著作人的名字啊? |
The way ahead was blocked by fallen trees.
前面的路被倒下的树挡住了. |
The way an economic system is organized determines the distribution of the benefit.
经济系统组织的方式决定了收益的分配。 |
The way and method for spatial development are worth referring for us in Ruhr.
该地区在空间发展方面所采取的措施和理念值得我们借鉴。 |