In photography, the light sensitivity of film emulsion.
在摄影技术中,胶片感光乳剂的光敏度。 |
In photomechanical reproduction, a line screen breaks the wide tonal range found in the original into discrete intervals from 1% to 99%), creating a halftone dot pattern.
中义在制版照相的复制过程中,用线状的平网将原稿的浓度範围分解为1%到99%的不连续区段,并产生半色调的网点花纹。半色调的网点值是以百分比(%)来描述。 |
In photosynthesis ferredoxin is involved in electron transfer between photosystem I and the final electron acceptor, NADP.
在光合作用中,铁硫蛋白与光合系统Ⅰ和最终电子受体NADP间的电子传递有关。 |
In phototypesetting, a line ending with no vertical advancement, similar to a carriage return with no line feed on word processing equipment.
中义在照像打字中,一行结束但在垂直量部份不增加,就像文字处理设备在换行后却不增加新的一行一样。 |
In physical terms, these plants are usually smaller than corrugator plants, but they can also be highly specialized in their product mix - high-end graphics, inner-packing and other items to serve customer needs.
典型的这类工厂通常也有设备可以把箱板加工成最终产品:纸箱、运输容器、现场展示包装或其他防护性包装。 |
In physical training, perseverance is a primary necessity.
在体育锻炼中,坚持不懈非常重要。 |
In physics, sound is co idered to be the waves of vibratory motion, nether or not they are heard by the human ear.
参考译文:在美国,最早的路是在殖民地时候铺的。一开始用木材,后来根据地区不同用鹅卵石或砖块。 |
In physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion, nether or not they are heard by the human ear.
参考译文:在美国,最早的路是在殖民地时候铺的。一开始用木材,后来根据地区不同用鹅卵石或砖块。 |
In physics, you can work backward to figure out the theory.
物理学,可以看出工作落后的理论. |
In physics,this principle is alpha and omega.
这条原理在物理学中极为重要。 |
In picture I can see a clock. A clock is on the wall.
例:在图画中我看到了一个挂钟,那个钟在墙上。 |