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During the years of friendship, I read about China.

During the year 2004-2005 , I constructed and built 200 straw stalk ammoniation ponds in Mupai Village, Lengji Town, and frozen freeding 1000 yellow (water) the cow/bulls. 其中2004—2005年,在冷集镇木排村建秸秆氨化池200个,冻配黄(水)牛1000多头。
During the year 2005, Italian Gasket S.p.a. has managed an average of 2.500 different compounds, carrying out all necessary tests, using high-tech technologies and highly sophisticated machines and equipments. 2005年,意大利爱吉密封胶圈有限公司研制开发了2,500种不同的合成物,并运用纯熟的技术与先进的设备使之全部完成了必要的相关测试。
During the year and four months that have passed since his TV announcement, John has seen awareness of AIDS heighten and spread rapidly among the general public. 在电视上发表声明后的一年零四个月里,约翰发现不但公众对爱滋病的认识加强了,而且越来越多的人开始认识此病。
During the year, publications were closed and otherwise disciplined for publishing material deemed objectionable by the Government, and journalists, authors, academics, Internet writers, and researchers were harassed, detained, and arrested by the authori 在本年度,一些刊物因刊登被政府视作不能许可的内容而遭到查封或受到处罚;新闻记者、作家、学者、网络作家及研究人员遭到当局的骚扰、拘留和逮捕。
During the year, the Government blocked many websites, began monitoring text messages sent by mobile phones, and pressured Internet companies to censor objectionable content. 在本年度,政府封堵了许多网站,开始监控通过手机传输的短信,并对因特网公司施加压力检查令其不快的内容。
During the years of friendship, I read about China. 在友谊的年代里,我读有关中国的书。
During the years some similarity in appearance has developed. 这几年,一些在外形上相似的边境牧羊犬被发展出来。
During their first winter, over half of the settlers ①died of starvation or epidemics. 在那里的第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于饥饿和传染病。
During their growth, it is hard for children to avoid disturbances of insecure factors from society. 在孩子成长过程中,他们难免受到社会不安全因素的干扰。
During their investigation, the scientists experienced several mysterious occurrences, from a freak sandstorm to a strange power outage. 在他们的调查中,科学家们经历了数次神秘遭遇,从奇异的沙暴到奇怪的停电。
During their journey they came upon many sand dunes piled up by the winds. 他们在路上看到许多被风吹积而成的沙丘。

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