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These gardens ingeniously combine hills, waters, buildings, trees and flowers.

These gadgets may be as common in 20 years as cell phones and DVD players are today. 20年后,这些小玩艺儿就会像今天的手机和DVD机一样随处可见。
These galaxies were smaller in size and more irregular in shape than modern ones, as one would expect if today's galaxies formed from the agglomeration of smaller ones (as opposed to the breakup of larger ones). 比起现在的星系,这些古老星系的体型较小,外貌也较不规则,正符合今天的星系是由小型星系凝聚而来的假说(与从大型星系裂解而来的说法相反)。
These gallant soldiers will protect our country. 这些勇敢的士兵会保卫我们的国家的。
These gangsters have been extinguished by the police. 这群匪徒已被警方消灭。
These gardens are not big but exquisitely laid out. 这些园林规模不大,但布局灵巧。
These gardens ingeniously combine hills, waters, buildings, trees and flowers. 这些园林把山、水、建筑和草木巧妙地组合起来。
These gases are produced from organic wastes such as livestock manure, food processing waste, and cellulose fibre. 这些气体由有机垃圾生成,例如牲畜肥料、食品加工垃圾与纤维素纤维。
These gases present a health hazard, and hydrogen sulphide, which is particularly corrosive, may cause problems electrical and electronic systems. 这些气体会导致一些健康危害,特别是具腐蚀性的硫化氢,可能会导致电器设备或电子系统发生问题。
These gate valves are ideal for closing and opening the flow in water pipelines. 本闸阀暗转在介质为水的管路上,作为启闭设备使用。
These gauge net worth from the arbitrary dates when assets and liabilities were first booked. 在资产和负债被首次记账后,公允价值会计可以精确测量其净值。
These gauges are designed for measuring the pressure of medium Oxygen, Acetylene, CO/2 and Argon. The Oxygen gauge must not touch oil. 气体压力表适用测量氧气、乙炔、二氧化碳、氩气等介质的压力,氧气表要求禁接触一切含油成份的液体和气体。

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