The royal couple appeared in splendid array.
王室伉俪身穿盛装出现. |
The royal couple brought Winston Churchill essays and a cachepot of English bone china.
查尔斯王储夫妇回赠的是丘吉尔文集和一个英国骨灰瓷的花瓶。 |
The royal destroyer employs lots of loyal employees.
皇家驱逐舰雇佣了很多忠心的雇员. |
The royal government squandered money on misguided aviation and shipping ventures, and the bulk of the $56m it secured from selling passports was frittered away in poor investments by a visiting American rogue rather quaintly appointed by the king as his
君主政府投入在受到错误引导的航空和船运上的钱都打了水漂,而它依靠贩卖护照赚取的5600万美元,也因为一名来自美国的骗子投资不善而挥霍大半——离奇地是,国王竟曾任命此人为他的“宫廷弄臣”。 |
The royal palace was filled with intrigue.
皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。 |
The royal standard flies when the Queen is in residence .
女王的王宫及驻跸处均有王旗为识. |
The royal standard flies when the Queen is in residence.
女王的王宫及驻跸处均有王旗为识. |
The royal standard is in grave peril. You must fly to my aid.
皇家军旗处于危险之中,你必须飞快来援助我们。 |
The royal visitor was saluted by a fanfare of trumpets.
皇室贵宾在嘹亮的铜管乐曲中受到热烈欢迎. |
The royal wedding was an occasion of great festivity.
皇室婚礼是喜庆的盛事。 |
The royalty fee refers to a percentage of gross sales that the franchisee regularly pays to the franchisor during the operation.
特许权使用费指受许人在经营过程中,按销售总额的一定比例定期向特许人支付的费用。 |