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Major Ports: Copenhagen, Alborg, Arhus, Odense.

Major Jack joined the army as a boy entrant and worked his way up. 杰克少校是少年入伍,后来逐步升上去的。
Major League Baseball, for instance, has 11 players over the age of 40. 以职棒大联盟为例,它有十一位超过四十岁的球员。
Major League Soccer's highest-profile star set up Kieron Dyer twice in as many minutes midway through the second half. 美国)足球职业大联盟最高水平的明星在下半场中段为科隆.戴尔两次传出好球.
Major NAKAJIMA: Be my friend…Godmother. 当我的朋友?……教母。
Major Ports: Amsterdam, Haarlem and Rotterdam. 主要港口:阿姆斯特丹、哈勒姆、鹿特丹。
Major Ports: Copenhagen, Alborg, Arhus, Odense. 主要港口:哥本哈根、奥尔堡、奥尔胡、欧登塞。
Major Project Area: occupies an area of 108 ha. It is mainly reserved for Super-large scale projects to customized design and arrangement. A certain amount of back-up land is also available. 重大项目区:占地108公顷,专门为特大项目预留,特大项目可单独供地,并自行设计、布局内部建筑,还可预留一定的后备用地。
Major Publications: “A Critical Review of the Problems in the Studies of Bilingual Representation” (article, Contemporary Linguistics, 2002); “A Study on Chinese and English Semantic Access with ERP Technology” (article, Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2003); B 代表作:“双语表征研究中存在的问题及其解决办法”(论文,《当代语言学》,2002)、“汉英语义通达过程的事件相关电位研究”(论文,《心理学报》,2003)、《双语语义表征及其通达机制》(专著,福建人民出版社,2002)。
Major Publications: “Balance of Emotion and Reason: Reflections on Wordsworth's Poetics” (article, Foreign Literature Review, 1999), Selected Works of Foreign Literature (textbook, principal editor, Changjiang Literature and Arts Press, 2002); On Wordswor 代表作:“情与理的平衡——对华兹华斯诗论的反思”(论文,《外国文学评论》,1999)、《外国文学作品选》(教材,主编,长江文艺出版社,2002)、《华兹华斯诗学》(专著,社科文献出版社,2000年)。
Major Publications: “Fuzzy Linguistics in China: Retrospect and Prospect” (article, Foreign Language Teaching &Research, 2001); “Development of Category Theory and Its Contributions to Cognitive Linguistics” (article, Journal of Foreign Languages, 2004); 代表作:“中国模糊语言学:回顾与前瞻”(论文,《外语教学与研究》,2001)、“范畴理论的发展及其对认知语言学的贡献”(论文,《外国语》,2004)、《后现代转向》(译著,辽宁教育出版社,2001)。
Major Publications: “Interactional Linguistics: Developments and Prospects” (article, Modern Foreign Languages, 2003); “From Grice to Qian Guanlian: A Critical Review of Pragmatic Principles” (article, Journal of Sichuan International Studies University, 代表作:“互动语言学的发展历程及其前景”(论文,《现代外语》,2003)、“从格赖斯到钱冠连:对语用原则的思考”(论文,《四川外语学院学报》,2002)、《跨文化交际学:理论与实践》(专著,福建人民出版社,2004)。

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