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At last, it puts forward opinions about the development of information organization research from a big angle of view for information organization, unceasing opening up the domain and the development of achievements.

At last, he expressed that he want to come China next time. 最后,他表达了想再次来中国的愿意.
At last, he stops trying, He walks away with his nose in the air and says,I am sure that these grapes are sour. 最后,狐狸不再试了。他昂起头,边走边说:“我敢肯定这些葡萄是酸的。”
At last, he was arrested. 最后,他被捕了。
At last, it is suggested that the developing direction for green agriculture, and the counter-measurements are suggested for safety and quality production of green farm produce in china. 在此基础上,对我国无公害农业的发展方向、无公害农産品安全优质生産提出了相应对策。
At last, it points out that the new tracking mode. calculate model and filter forecast arithmetic are three technology difficulty, and, attention should be payed to distributed technology, visual technology and time unification technology in course of sim 最后指出在建立数学模型时新的跟踪机制、解命中体制和滤波外推算法是三个技术难点,而在仿真过程中必须注意分布式、可视化和时钟统一等关键技术。
At last, it puts forward opinions about the development of information organization research from a big angle of view for information organization, unceasing opening up the domain and the development of achievements. 最后从大视角看信息组织、不断拓宽领域和拓展成果等方面提出了信息组织研究发展的看法。
At last, it was buffeted by the ruin of Prussian monarchism, then attached itself to the right-wing conservative group, which further led to its incompetence to counteract Nazi's rule. 最后又因普鲁士君主制度的毁灭而遭到打击,从而走入右翼保守阵营,并进一步导致它对纳粹统治抵制乏力。
At last, it was pointed out that nondestructive testing should develop more faster and reliable to fit the rapid development of present materials. 最后指出,当前新材料新领域的质量控制发展对无损检测技术提出了更高的要求和更广阔的应用空间。
At last, its application propect in Earth science and the life science is mentioned. 最后顺便提及其在地学和生命科学中的应用前景。
At last, magician shows third picture, there are only five cards on it, let audience check the picture carefully, the card that audience remembered is gone. 最后魔术师展示第三张照片,照片中只剩下五张扑克牌,请观众仔细的检视照片,结果观众脑海里所记的牌果然消失了!
At last, marqov chain prediction model is used to valify the result. 最后,应用马尔可夫链预测模型对组合预测结果进行分析,增加了结果的可信性。

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