The symbol of a Buddha's greatest enlightenment is the so-called enlightenment-elevation on the top of the head, described in old texts as that which emerges out of the head of an enlightened saint.
佛陀的象征符号是最伟大的教化,所谓的启迪——上升到头顶之上,古老的文献描写着,浮现在头之外的是一种神圣的启迪。 |
The symbol of men is talent, and the success of his career makes a man's most valuable decorations.
男人主要看才华,事业的成功才是男人最有分量的装饰品。 |
The symbol used to denote an antiparticle is the same symbol used to denote its normal matter counterpart, but with an overstrike.
过去常用于表示一个反粒子的符号是以用来表示它的常态物质版本的相同符号,仅有少许不同。 |
The symbol worship and symbol consumption for Academy fete ritual represents that the Academy play important role in diffusing culture.
书院祭祀仪式中的符号崇拜和符号消费,展现了书院在传播社会文化方面的重要作用。 |
The symbolic height - which in feet refers to the year of the American Declaration of Independence - is one of the few features left from the initial plans.
该建筑物的高度为1776英尺,1776象征着美国《独立宣言》正式通过的那一年,这是从原设计方案中保留下来的为数不多的一项。 |
The symbolic meaning and legends about dog were spread widely.
关于狗的种种象征意义及其传说流传甚广。 |
The symbolic meanings of chariotin Yi jing and the Daoist School's documents correlated in many aspects.
道家文献与《易经》在相关于“舆”象的象徵意义上有很多相互关联之处。 |
The symbolism is a big help, it makes consulting the Akashic records easier.
象征符号是一种很大的帮助,它使阿卡西记录更容易咨询。 |
The symbols for magnetic tones of creation are rotational or circular in nature.
创造磁场音调的符号实质是旋转或循环。 |
The symbols of American Sign Language are visible representations of concepts. They represent neither spoken nor written words, thus making it meaningless to refer to ASL as ideographic.
美国手语的象征是对概念的可视表达。它们既不代表书面语言也不代表口语语言(即是手语与书面语言和口头语言是不同的),所以将其指为表意文字是没有什么意义的。 |
The symbols shown below represent the 20 day-names and are identified with their Yucatec names, pronunciation and approximate translation.
下面展示的符号代表着20个天日,读法和近似翻译被看成与它们的尤坦卡名字一致。 |