However, experts warn that exce ive oring is not something that should be ignored for it can be a sign of ill health, with orers more likely to have high blood pre ure.
然而,专家提示,如果打鼾较为严重,千万不可忽视,因为这可能是某种疾病的征兆,打鼾严重的人患高血压的可能性较大。 |
However, experts warn that excessive snoring is not something that should be ignored for it can be a sign of ill health, with snorers more likely to have high blood pressure.
然而,专家提示,如果打鼾较为严重,千万不可忽视,因为这可能是某种疾病的征兆,打鼾严重的人患高血压的可能性较大。 |
However, fears about changing the status quo in the industry, and most notably about the potential of eco-cars to cannibalise sales of pick-up trucks (a segment that dominates the market and has powerful backers), led to delays and vacillation.
然而,担心改变工业的状态使得计划耽搁并且摇摆不定,因为发掘环保车的潜力会明显的削弱小型载货卡车的销售,它占据了当时的主流市场并且有强大的支持者。 |
However, fears of a global epidemic have prompted calls for a cull of migratory birds in areas like Siberia, Southeast Asia and South Africa.
但由于担心禽流感在全球大流行,一些人呼吁将西伯利亚、东南亚和南非等地的侯鸟杀死。 |
However, few have survived today.
然而,这些商店到今天已所剩无几。 |
However, few people understand (realize) the relation between the UN and the Universal Declaration (manifesto) of Human Rights.
然而,究竟联合国和人权宣言有何关系,知道的人可能就不多了。 |
However, film-makers from Spain and Latin America have voiced their displeasure that no titles from their countries are included in the main line-up.
然而,来自西班牙和拉丁美洲的电影制片人和导演纷纷对本届电影节没有本国影片参赛表示不满。 |
However, financial advisers often hesitate before recommending reverse mortgages.
但是,金融顾问在向客户推荐反向抵押贷款前却总是举棋不定。 |
However, finding the incredibly tiny interstellar dust impacts in the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector (SIDC) will be extremely difficult.
然而,在星尘号星际尘埃收集器(SIDC)中寻找异常微小的星际尘埃是极为困难的。 |
However, floor drain size may need to be designed to prevent water damage caused by a catastrophic failure condition.
但是地漏的口径需要适当,以防止由于灾难性故障造成的水破坏。 |
However, focusing merely on customer effectiveness would eventually mean they could go out of business.
但是仅关注顾客的要求,最终还会被市场淘汰。 |