Finding a job is all dependented upon your portfolio and experience.
找一份工作完全取决于你的作品和经验。 |
Finding a place to hide from loneliness probably is the first choice.
找一个地方来排遣孤寂或是首选。 |
Finding a reasonable candidate for an impact crater marked a turning point in the search for the causes of extreme climate perturbations and mass extinctions—away from earthly sources such as volcanism and toward a singular, catastrophic event.
针对地球上气候大变动、生物大灭绝的研究,从此发生了重大转折,因为学者找到了一个合理的陨石撞击点,就不再只是著眼于地球内部的肇因,例如火山活动,他们开始认为整个事件源自非比寻常的大灾变。 |
Finding a room is the problem.
问题是找不到房间。 |
Finding a style of play that can succesfully counteract the Long Ball has long taxed the minds of football managers.
长久以来,寻找一种能够成功地应对长传球的比赛方式让足球经理们绞尽了脑汁。 |
Finding acceptance is a natural desire of most people.
渴望得到接纳是大多数人的一个自然愿望。 |
Finding an innovative product to introduce into the market is often a remote goal.
找到一个具有创新性的产品,并将其引入市场经常是一个很遥远的目标。 |
Finding chokepoints, natural rally points, and other likely enemy routes and pre-planning fires on them can help to make the artillery responsive and able to engage such targets effectively.
找到敌军的阻塞点,自然形成的集结点或其它敌军可能的行军路线并预制炮击方案将有助于加快炮火反应时间并有效打击目标。 |
Finding defects as early as possible will reduce re-work and reduce cost.
尽早发现缺陷将会减少返工、减少成本。 |
Finding fabulous fares is fun.
找到难以置信的费用/票价是有趣的。 |
Finding fully faceted stones with maximum brilliance is key when determining quality in smaller diamonds.
对小颗钻石来说最重要的就是选择切割精良,光泽度最佳的。 |