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She said her father was a millionaire.

She said a book, not a magazine. 她是说一本书,不是一本杂志。
She said a dialect, not standard English. 她说一口方言,不是标准英语.
She said almost nothing. 她几乎什么都没说。
She said for me not to worry, she would dig through her pennies if she had to get us home. 她要我不要担心,如果有必要,她会尽全力让我们回家的。
She said further talks -- possibly at ministerial level -- will be needed. 她说,还需要继续会谈,可能是部长级会谈。
She said her father was a millionaire. 她说她父亲是个百万富翁。
She said her head was pounding from the humiliation and she feared what might come next. 她说,她的头部因为羞辱而突突作痛,她很怕接下来会发生不测。
She said her mother discovered the opened condom after her daughter ordered a Happy Meal. 在女儿玛娅点了一份麦当劳“快乐套餐”后,外祖母发现这份快餐包装里有一个避孕套。
She said it aloud, but added to herself as she resumed her knitting: Hah! 她大声回答,又打起毛线来,同时心里想道,“哈!
She said it in a whisper, so I didn't hear. 她是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。
She said it tongue in cheek. 她说的是风凉话。

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