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Inducing sleep or sedation; soporific.

Indubitably, millions of people are still living miserably lives and having to face the perils of starvation and exposure. 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。
Induced by economic benefit, rural labor in the Western region has been transferring to urban areas and to the more developed Eastern region. 摘要在经济利益诱导机制的作用下,西部地区农村劳动力向西部城镇地区和东部发达地区迁移。
Induced by vaccination. 因种痘引起的
Inducible enzyme (adaptive enzyme) An enzyme that is produced by a cell only in the presence of high concentrations of its substrate or a structurally similar substance. 诱导酶(适应酶):是指细胞内当高浓度酶底物或底物类似物存在时才能产生的酶。
Inducing nausea or vomiting. 引起恶心或呕吐的
Inducing sleep or sedation; soporific. 安神的,麻醉的,镇静的
Inducing sleep; soporific. 睡眠的产生睡眠的,引起酣睡的
Induct. Bring new members into your club with dignity and class. 入社仪式。要很庄严及很有品味地将新社员引进你的扶轮社。
Inductance greater than 0.1?H read at recommended Q meter frequency. 电感量大于0.1礖时,依Q表规定频率测量.
Inductance is measured in henries/ henrys. 电感是用亨利作单位来度量的。
Induction of General Anesthesia General anesthesia can be induced by giving drugs intravenously, by inhalation, or by a combination of both methods. 全身麻醉的诱导经静脉、吸入或两种方式联合给药都能诱导全身麻醉。

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