If it should rain, our plan would be spoiled.
万一下雨,我们的计划就泡汤了。 |
If it should rain, the sports meet will be put off.
如果下雨,运动会就要延期。 |
If it slowly drops and does not run out through test cock No. 3, then No. 2 ball valve has a small leak, but No. 2 check valve is tight.
如果水柱慢慢下降,并且没有从测试旋塞3号流出,则2号球阀有点泄漏,但是2号止回阀密封紧密。 |
If it sounds like the instructor is copping an I've-seen-it-all attitude, it's because he has reason to. He's Jack Welch.
作为讲师他似乎太严厉,但是他有资格,谁让他是杰克韦尔奇! |
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
如果听起来太好以致于你觉得那是假的,那很有可能就是假的。 |
If it stops raining soon we can have a picnic outside our house.
如果雨马上停下来的话,我们就可以在屋外进行野餐了。 |
If it suddenly startles you in your walk, I will step aside and take another path.
如果使你在行走时忽然惊跃,我就躲开另走别路。 |
If it takes six hours for people in the vicinity to evacuate, then calculations show that nearly everyone downwind of the blast within approximately five kilometers would still be killed by fallout, and half the inhabitants eight kilometers away would die
如果附近的民众需要六小时疏散,计算显示,爆炸点的下风处大约5公里内,所有人都会死于辐射性落尘,8公里内的居民也有一半会死亡。 |
If it takes the matter to court, the case would be heard in Hangzhou, the eastern city that is the home of Wahaha and where the Chinese company is well known and politically connected.
若诉诸法庭,此案将由杭州法庭审理,那里是娃哈哈的大本营,这家中国企业在当地名气很大,与政府的关系也颇为密切。 |
If it takes too long to open a share, find a file or transfer data, it will adversely affect worker productivity.
如果他们得花很长时间去打开一个共享文件夹,找个文件或交换数据,这会使员工的生产力受损。 |
If it took the whole day, that rock was going to come out.
即使花上一天工夫,那块石头也得给我出来。 |