The guide will meet you in the lobby at 10.
导游10点将在大堂等你。 |
The guided strategies for effective learning mainly include the following aspects strategy for arousing emotion, strategy for guiding cognition, strategy for guiding meta-cognition and strategy for managing resource.
有效学习的指导策略主要有情意激发策略、认知指导策略、元认知指导策略和资源管理指导策略等几个方面。 |
The guideline of SOE's strategic restructuring is to restructure according to different situations.
摘要国有企业进行战略性改组的指导思想是:区别不同情况,分类改组。 |
The guideline should be simple to be easily monitored and understood.
该方针应易于监管和理解。 |
The guideline should fit within the legal frame-work and be enforceable.
该方针应符合法制的结构要求,并应是强制性的方针。 |
The guidelines allow states a bit more time to implement the act.
纲要允许各州多花一些时间实施法案。 |
The guidelines even set the salt content at less than 3g – or half a teaspoon – per lunch.
该指导方针甚至还设定每顿午餐的含盐量要少于3克——或半茶匙。 |
The guidelines lies down rules for dealing with traffic offence.
基本原则规定了处理违犯交通法规的规则。 |
The guidelines of strengthening and improving minor's construction of morals and thought are: Insist on regarding Marxism-Leninism , Mao Zedong Thought , Deng Xiaoping Theory and important thought of 'Three Represents' as guidance, insist on people first
加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的指导思想是:坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持以人为本,教育和引导未成年人树立中国特色社会主义的理想信念和正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,养成高尚的思想品质和良好的道德情操,努力培育有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的,德、智、体、美全面发展的中国特色社会主义事业建设者和接班人。 |
The guiding of a horse through a series of complex maneuvers by slight movements of the rider's hands, legs, and weight.
花式骑术引导马通过一系列由骑手的手腿及重量的轻微动作与变化来完成的复杂操纵的骑术 |
The guiding principles for the protection and preservation of the Bohai resources and environment should include the principle of integrated planning on the use of land and the sea resources; the principle of moderate development and rational environmenta
渤海资源与环境的保护和保全的指导原则应包括:海陆兼顾和统筹安排的原则;适度开发与合理保护的原则;行政和立法管理并重的原则;环境和资源可持续发展的原则。 |