Unlike ordinary cars, this one has two jet engines. It was the first land vehicle to go faster than the speed of sound.
这种不同于其他的车子,它装备了2台喷气发动机。它是首台陆地上最快的超音速车子。 |
Unlike ordinary radio telescope receivers, which point and listen to a single point in the sky at any given time, Arecibo's new multi-beam receiver can point to seven different points simultaneously.
与普通的射电望远镜接收器在一个给定的时间只能指向并监听天空中的一个点不同,阿雷西博的新多波束接收机能同时指向7个不同的方向。 |
Unlike organic coatings small damage area need no touch up.
故此锌层不像其他有机涂层需要修补。 |
Unlike other Asian countries, it is in a unique position to produce movies with a sensibility that is truly universal for the viewer who speaks any language.
在中西方的交界处,新加坡是个能够创造出真正多元化无界限电影题材的根基地。 |
Unlike other bears from temperate climates, giant pandas do not hibernate.
不同于适宜气候的其他的熊,大熊猫不冬眠。 |
Unlike other commodities, uranium itself does not trade on any exchanges.
铀不同于其它商品,它本身并不在任何交易所进行交易。 |
Unlike other countries, police in UK does not carry guns. Some think it leaves citizen unprotected. Others think it reduces the overall violence in UK society. Discuss.
不像其他国家,英国警察是不带枪的!有人觉得这样无法保护市民,也有人认为这样可以减少英国社会的总体暴力,谈谈你的看法. |
Unlike other exploding stars, which peak at brightness for a couple of weeks at most, this supernova, peaked for 70 days, according to NASA.
美国宇航局称,这颗恒星与其他发生爆炸的星球不同,它最高亮度持续了70天,而一般的星球最多持续两周时间。 |
Unlike other methods, which lack penetrating power and can damage the specimen, MPM delivers crisp, clear images, even in thicker tissue samples like Drosophila salivary glands.
其它方法缺乏穿透力,并且会损害标本,MPM不同,它可以呈现出锐利清晰的图像,即使像果蝇唾液腺组织这样较薄的标本也是这样。 |
Unlike other parts of the old country that have since won independence, it was a province of Serbia and not one of the Yugoslav Federation's republics.
不像原南斯拉夫其它地区都已经获得了独立,科索沃以前是塞尔维亚的一个省不是南斯拉夫联盟的一员。 |
Unlike other professions where people can attain a high level execellency, whereas a professional interpreter is always a tireless learner.
与其它专业不同的是,有些人可以在一些专业达到登峰造极的程度,而翻译则永远是一个孜孜不倦的学人。 |